Ontario’s Conservation Authorities 2023 Watershed Report Cards provide a ‘check up’ on the health of many of Ontario’s Watersheds. They track and report on the surface and groundwater quality as well as the conditions of our forests.
A healthy watershed conserves water, promotes streamflow, supports sustainable streams, rivers, lakes, and groundwater sources, enables healthy soil for crops and livestock, and provides habitat for wildlife and plants.
Watershed monitoring help us understand the health of our watersheds, and determine actions to protect them. In Ontario, many watershed agencies monitor and develop report cards for each watershed. The 2018 Conservation Authorities watershed report cards: C to C+ grade for water quality and forest conditions.
The Ontario Watershed Information Tool (OWIT) is used to calculate information about Ontario’s watersheds, which are areas of land where surface water converges to a single point. OWIT is used by water professionals in the public and private sectors and academia to better understand water flow in Ontario.
Ontario’s Conservation Authorities 2023 Watershed Report Cards provide a ‘checkup’ on the health of many of Ontario’s watersheds. They track and report on the surface and groundwater quality as well as the conditions of our forests. Approximately 95% of Ontario Residents Live in a Watershed Managed by a Conservation Authority.
Our health depends on a healthy watershed. For example, healthy streams provide clean water for drinking and cooking, agricultural irrigation, waste water dilution, and recreational enjoyment. When we spend time outside, we look for clean rivers, lush …
The Statement of Expectations suggests that the watershed-based source protection planning framework should be required in all watersheds in Ontario. Additionally, that document specifies that: The new legislation must protect individual well users as …
• The health of Ontario’s headwaters and their catchment areas are fundamentally important to the ecological integrity of our watersheds; • Headwater conditions warrant the development of a set of indicators which should be included in
A healthy watershed conserves water, improves air quality, promotes streamflow, supports sustainable streams, rivers, lakes, and groundwater sources and also provides important habitat for insects (pollinators), wildlife and plants.
Healthy Watersheds for Healthy Communities Our vision exemplifies the link between a healthy environment and the economic and social health of our communities, as well as the physical and mental health of the people who live here.