Le futur simple: the future tense in French - Lingolia
We conjugate the future tense by adding the endings -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez and -ont to the infinitive of the verb. Learn everything you need to know about the futur simple in French grammar with …
French Future Tense | FrenchLearner Grammar Lessons
2012年9月12日 · This page offers a complete guide to the French future tenses: The futur simple, future proche and futur antérieur. Verb endings are provided with examples. The French future …
The Future Tense in French, A Complete Guide - Frenchplanations
One way to express the future in French is to use aller (to go) with the infinitive (unconjugated form) of another verb. For example: Je vais lire ce livre demain. (I am going to read this book …
How To Form And Use The French Future Tense(s) With Examples
The French simple future tense is used to describe events that will occur in the future. To help you understand this better, here’s a sentence that uses the simple future form in English: ‘Chelsea …
The French future tenses The simple future tense - BBC
Use the near future and the simple future tenses to talk about what will happen in the future. Find out how to form and use them and check your understanding with activities and a quiz. An...
How to Use the Future Tense in French | FluentU
2023年8月21日 · In French, mastering future tenses allows you to express these plans and ideas with precision. From simple statements to complex sequences, French has a variety of future …
Futur (future in French) - Conjugation with 5 Exercises & Examples
Futur simple is usually simply called futur and is one of the three future tenses in French grammar (the other two are futur passé and futur proche). Futur simple is a future tense: Futur simple = …
Future Tense in French: How to Conjugate and Use
In French, the future tense (“le futur simple”) is used to describe actions or events that will happen at a later time. It is the equivalent of the English “will” or “shall” when used to talk about future …
2 French Future Tenses - Le Futur Proche et le Futur Simple - French …
2023年4月20日 · 2 French verb tenses are used to express future actions: le futur simple (je mangerai) and le futur proche (je vais manger).
Using the French Future Tense - ThoughtCo
2019年8月19日 · When the action of the verb after certain constructions will take place in the future, the future tense is used in French, whereas in English the present tense is used: …