Clarissa VÖGEL | Head of Steroid Laboratory | Dr. sc. nat ...
We investigated the role of endogenous steroids in the resistance to cancer immunotherapy, as these have strong immunomodulatory functions. Using a publicly available database, we found that the...
Dr. sc. nat. Clarissa Daniela Vögel Date of birth: 14.06.1992 Nationality: Austrian Education 2022 PhD (Dr. sc. nat), University of Zurich, Zurich Institute of Forensic Medicine, Switzerland 2018 Master in Chemistry, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Clarissa Vögel – Deputy head of research - Center for Forensic …
Head of the steroid laboratory at the Department of Nephrology and Hypertension and Zentrum für Labormedizin Bern. Steroid profiling of urine and plasma samples with GC-MS and LC-MS for clinical...
- 职位: Dr. sc. nat. | Analytical Chemist …
- 位置: Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Zurich
Adrenal Abcg1 Controls Cholesterol Flux and Steroidogenesis
2024年2月1日 · Here we study the adrenal cortex to determine the role of Abcg1 in a steroidogenic tissue. Abcg1 inactivation in mouse adrenals results in increased transcripts for cholesterol biosynthesis and uptake, leading to increased corticosterone production. Our data suggest that Abcg1 is a key regulator of cholesterol flux and glucocorticoid production.
No extra-adrenal aldosterone production in various human cell lines
We hypothesized that aldosterone synthase (CYP11B2) expression and de-novo Aldo production are absent in non-adrenal human cell lines, either immortalized cell lines or commercially available primary cell lines, including peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of individuals without and with primary hyperaldosteronism (PA).
Clarissa Vögel’s Post - LinkedIn
Super Beitrag über die zentrale Probenannahme am Zentrum für Labormedizin am Inselspital Bern. Unsere Proben werden auch zunächst dort vorbereitet, eine wichtige Schnittstelle und ...
Die Expertin für Steroide - Vorarlberger Nachrichten | VN.at
2023年1月26日 · Clarissa Vögel, geb. 1992, ist Head of Steroid Analysis am Inselspital Bern. Bei Steroide denken viele an Doping und muskelbepackte Hünen. Für Clarissa Vögel aus Bregenz geht es dabei um viel mehr.
Clarissa Vögel on LinkedIn: Inselspital, Universitätsspital ...
Clarissa Vögel’s Post Clarissa Vögel 7mo Report this post Please share: we are looking for a new addition for our small team in steroid analytics! ... Inselspital, Universitätsspital ...
Clarissa Vögel on LinkedIn: Mitochondrial dysfunction results in ...
Another publication is out from my time at the Inselspital Bern: https://lnkd.in/eq6wTdWq Thank you for the great collaboration! Mitochondrial dysfunction results in enhanced adrenal androgen ...
Team - Universitätsklinik für Nephrologie und Hypertonie - Insel
Inselspital, Universitätsspital Bern Julie-von-Jenner-Haus Freiburgstrasse 15 3010 Bern T +41 31 632 31 44. Anreise Öffentlicher Verkehr. Parkmöglichkeiten. Situationsplan Inselspital. Besuchszeiten Mehrbettzimmer 13.00–20.00 Uhr Einzelzimmer 10.00–21.00 …