Bartolomeu Dias | Biography, Voyage, Significance, …
2024年10月30日 · Bartolomeu Dias, Portuguese navigator and explorer who led the first European expedition to round the Cape of Good Hope (1488), opening the sea route to Asia via the Atlantic and Indian oceans. He is usually considered to be the greatest of the Portuguese pioneers who explored the Atlantic during the 15th century.
Bartolomeu Dias ‑ Life, Legacy & Expeditions - HISTORY
2009年11月9日 · In 1488, Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias (c. 1450-1500) became the first European mariner to round the southern tip of Africa, opening the way for a sea route from …
巴爾托洛梅烏·迪亞士 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
巴尔托洛梅乌·迪亚士 (葡萄牙語: Bartolomeu Dias;1451年—1500年5月24日 [2])是一名 葡萄牙 贵族和著名 航海家,他于1487年带领船队航行至 非洲大陆 最南端并发现 好望角,为葡萄牙开辟通往 印度 的新航线奠定了坚实的基础。 迪亚士出身于葡萄牙航海世家,他的父亲 迪尼什·迪亚士 、祖父 若昂·迪亚士 都是追随 恩里克王子 的航海家。 巴尔托洛梅乌·迪亚士本人是皇家 骑士,担任皇家仓库的主管,并且是战船圣克里斯托旺号(葡萄牙语: São Cristóvão,取名自 圣徒克里 …
Bartolomeu Dias - Wikipedia
Bartolomeu Dias [pron 1] (c. 1450 – 29 May 1500) was a Portuguese mariner and explorer. In 1488, he became the first European navigator to round the southern tip of Africa and to demonstrate that the most effective southward route for ships lies in the open ocean, well to the west of the African coast.
Bartholomew the Apostle - Wikipedia
Bartholomew[a] was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus according to the New Testament. Most scholars today identify Bartholomew as Nathanael, [6] who appears in the Gospel of John (1:45–51; cf. 21:2). [7][8][9]
Bartolomeu Dias: Biography, Expedition of the Cape of Good Hope
2023年8月2日 · Born in 1450, Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias was sent by Portuguese King John II to explore the coast of Africa and find a way to the Indian Ocean. Dias departed circa August 1487, rounding...
巴尔托洛梅乌·缪·迪亚士 - 百度百科
巴尔托洛梅乌·缪·迪亚士是葡萄牙的一位航海家。 迪亚士,(1450年 — 1500年5月)出生于 葡萄牙 的一个王族世家,青年时代就喜欢海上的探险活动,曾随船到过 西非 的一些国家,积累了丰富的航海经验。 曾经带领船队航行至 非洲大陆 最南端并发现好望角,为葡萄牙开辟通往印度的新航线奠定了坚实的基础。 带领船队航行至非洲大陆最南端并发现好望角,为葡萄牙开辟通往印度的新航线奠定了坚实的基础。 15世纪80年代以前,很少有人知道 非洲大陆 的最南端究竟在何处。 …
21 Great Bartolomeu Dias Facts
2024年5月11日 · Bartolomeu Dias was a pioneering Portuguese explorer known for leading the first European expedition around the southern tip of Africa in 1488, establishing a sea route to Asia. This monumental voyage not only proved that the Atlantic and Indian Oceans were connected but also opened up the possibility of a sea route to India, paving the way for ...
Bartolomeu Dias - Ages of Exploration - Mariners' Museum and …
Bartolomeu Dias was the first European explorer to sail around the southern coast of Africa successfully. In 1488, Dias proved that a sea trading route from Europe to Asia was possible. The coast of Africa often had terrible storms which often deterred explorers.
Bartolomeu Dias: Biography of the Navigator, Cape of Good Hope
2024年9月30日 · Bartolomeu Dias was the first explorer to link the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean via waterways, accomplishing this four years before Christopher Columbus discovered the New World, a revelation that overshadowed the success of Portuguese navigators. Born in Algarve in 1450, Bartolomeu Dias learned navigation from the German geographer and ...
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