Simazine a post and pre emergent? Not that effective? But cheap!
Jan 25, 2008 · Simazine is a good post emergent for newly germinated po annua and chickweed along with a few other broadleaf weeds. Mix it with a little bit of three-way esther when it is cold to get the broadleaf weeds not covered by the simazine. Simazine is a great pre-emergent for preventing po annua, wild onion, and chick weed.
Atrazine vs. Simazine for pre-emergent us on Bermuda grass
Mar 12, 2009 · Simazine does have some post emergent control. Simazine and Atrazine are photosynthetic inhibitors and can stunt tolerent grasses, but Atrazine seems to be more harsh. Most people that I know use Simazine and metsulfuron or Simazine and a 3way product to take care of most winter annuals that are common in dormant bermuda.
Early results using Simazine - Lawn Care Forum
Nov 22, 2014 · 1 lb simazine is not enough. I got commercially acceptable weed control by applying 2 lb followed by 1 lb as detailed on the label. 1 lb might work sprayed on bare soil targeting weeds that are extremely susceptible. You are probably also seeing different results than myself because of water. Simazine is not particularly soluble.
Simazine - Anyone use it - Lawn Care Forum
Dec 21, 2015 · Was a new house built in a field. I spayed way to much Simazine. Another question. Simazine requires 20 gallons of water per acre. At the rate my friend (guy who sprays and owns a 1000 acre turf farm) told me to spray equals 10 gallons per acre. He said 5 quarts of Simazine per 25 gallons of water which sprays exactly 2.5 acres on my rig.
Simazine question - Lawn Care Forum
Aug 2, 2010 · Simazine becomes a different product when tank mixed with crop oil or MSO. The oil forces uptake by leaves. I have not seen any problems on well managed Bermuda or Zoysia treated during the growing season. However, yellowing is pronounced on a lawn that needs fertilizer. It is not surprising that Simazine controlled broadleaves.
Simazine/Atrazine for Pre-emergent - Lawn Care Forum
Aug 13, 2019 · Im new to lawn care and herbicides and wanted to get an opinion on upcoming pre-emergents. Ive been following a university lawn plan for southern lawns but I havent found much info on a particular herbicide. For the Arkansas area which is where i live they recommend Simazine/Atrazine mix in November.
Simazine app advice... - Lawn Care Forum
Oct 9, 2008 · It is true that simazine is more of a postemergent against broadleaves and goosegrass. By itself it is not that dramatic, however when combined with 2,4-D or MSMA the effect is 2+2=5. I have killed many hard to control weeds by adding simazine to the spray tank.
Atrazine vs Simizine - Lawn Care Forum
Oct 11, 2017 · Simazine is also well tolerated by non dormant Zoysia and Bermuda. In the past, I used it on non dormant, actively growing grasses. However, it does have slightly less of a post emergent activity on weeds vs Atrazine explained by its lower water solubility. It can also last longer as a preemergent due to that property as well.
Simazine after Prodiamine app - Lawn Care Forum
Nov 14, 2018 · When it comes to Centipede I would always use Simazine over Atrazine simply because Atrazine moves more readily in sandy soils and Atrazine is a RUP which means way more record keeping for me and even requiring a fire plan for storage.
Applying Simazine - Lawn Care Forum
Apr 3, 2011 · This will be the 2nd year that I've used Simazine 4L as a pre-emerge on my backyard and a back lot that I own that is basically just full of field grass. The back lot is 1.6 acres and the back yard is approx 1 acre.