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  1. The Lost Siren: Rise of the Drakens, Book 1 - amazon.com

  2. The Lost Siren (Rise of the Drakens): Storm, Raven: …

  3. The Lost Siren - Bestselling Writer Raven Storm

  4. Bestselling Writer Raven Storm - Fantasy Romance Author

  5. The Lost Siren: Rise of the Drakens, Book 1: Storm, Raven ...

  6. Raven Storm (Author of The Lost Siren) - Goodreads

  7. Books by Raven Storm (Author of The Lost Siren) - Goodreads

  8. Rise of the Drakens Series by Raven Storm - Goodreads

  9. ‎The Lost Siren by Raven Storm on Apple Books

  10. Download The Lost Siren: Rise of the Drakens, #1 by Raven Storm