The central task of Step 1 is to recognize that our lives are beyond our control, and we cannot continue our superhuman efforts at patching up the many mistakes we make. We recognize …
The following are the 12 Steps of Narcotics Anonymous, also referred to as NA. Narcotics Anonymous offers recovery from the effects of addiction through working a twelve-step …
These recordings were from the now offline Big Book Study website, which had recordings of people sharing their Experience, Strength and Hope in face to face meetings as they work …
12 Step Workbook These are some great free workbooks that have been put together by Jim W. at Part One Al’s 40 Day Serendipity Journey-- Al Kohallek begins his …
This is a list of questions for working the 12 Step program for recovery from addictive behavior. You are invited to pick those questions that seem most relevant to your recovery and answer …
These worksheets are primarily a list of questions for each step where you can write out your own personal answers to the questions for a given step. This can give you some framework for …
The Step 2 phrase "came to believe" suggests a process and a progression of faith that evolves over time. A portion of A.A.'s oral tradition defines this as a three-part unfolding: First, we …