  1. 12 Archetypes: Definition, Theory, and Types - Verywell …

    • Jung was originally a follower of Sigmund Freud. The relationship eventually fractured over Jung's criticism of Freud's emphasis on sexuality during development, which led Jung to develop his own psyc… 展开

    The Origins of Jungian Archetypes

    Jung believed that archetypes come from the collective unconscious. He … 展开

    Verywell Mind
    The Main Archetypes

    Jung identified four major archetypes but also believed that there was no limit to the number that may exist. The existence of these archetypes cannot be observed directly but can b… 展开

    Verywell Mind
  1. 阿尼玛和阿尼姆斯 - 百度百科

    阿尼玛与阿尼姆斯是荣格提出的两种重要原型。阿尼玛原型为男性心中的女性意象,阿尼姆斯则为女性心中的男性意象。因而两者又可译为女性潜倾和男性潜倾。如果说人格面具可以看作是一个人公开展示给别人看的一面,是世人所见的外部 …

  2. Carl Gustav Jung's Theory of Personality in Psychology

    2024年1月24日 · The “anima/animus” is the mirror image of our biological sex, that is, the unconscious feminine side in males and the masculine tendencies in women. Each sex manifests the attitudes and behavior of the other by virtue …

  3. 学点5D心理学|集体无意识中的四大原型:人格面具, …

    前情回顾: 原型(Archetype)是普遍的、与生俱来的人物、行为或性格的模型,在影响人类行为方面发挥着作用。瑞士心理学家卡尔· 古斯塔夫 ·荣格认为,原型是人类从祖先那里遗传下来的先天知识的古老形式。. 在荣格 分析心理学 …

  4. International Association of Analytical Psychology - IAAP

    Jung named this other inner figure that he encountered in his personal experience, the “anima” – a kind of soul image whose feminine element compensates his persona as masculine in the outer world. (Therefore, for …

  5. Carl Jung's Archetypes - Structural Learning

    2023年3月30日 · Jungian archetypes include the persona, the shadow, the anima/animus, the self, and the hero. The persona is the mask we wear in social situations, while the shadow represents our repressed or hidden aspects. The …

  6. Jung's Archetypes - Changing minds

  7. Jung's Anima and Animus Archetypes - Complete …

    4 天之前 · A guide to Carl Jung's theory of the anima and animus covering possession, projection, and integration of these two powerful archetypes.

  8. Jungian Archetypes: Self, Persona, Shadow, …

    2020年9月5日 · Anima and Animus Within the shadow, there exists two contrasexual figures: the anima and the animus. In every man’s psyche, there is an unconscious feminine aspect called the anima, which is a personification of …