Panavia Tornado - Wikipedia
German Air Force Tornado ECR 46+26, queuing to be refuelled by a USAF KC-135 Stratotanker in September 1997. In the decades since the Tornado's introduction, all of the Tornado operators have undertaken various upgrade and modification programmes to allow new weapons to be used by their squadrons.
龍捲風戰機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
龍捲風戰鬥機(Panavia Tornado),是一款由義大利、英國和西德聯合開發和製造的雙引擎 可變後掠翼 多用途戰鬥機系列,主要有三種改型:IDS(攔截/打擊)戰鬥轟炸機,壓制敵人防空的ECR(電子戰/偵察)和龍捲風ADV(防空)攔截戰鬥機。
狂风战斗机 - 百度百科
狂风战斗机(英文:Panavia Tornado)是帕那维亚(Panavia)飞机公司(英国、德国以及意大利)研制的双座双发超音速变后掠翼战斗机。
Based in the Tornado IDS airframe and retaining its proven capabilities, the ECR Tornado utilises the basic platform and in particular the gun and ammunition bays of the IDS, to house sophisticated electronic warfare equipment.
Panavia Tornado ECR (Electronic Combat / Reconnaissance)
2019年3月12日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Panavia Tornado ECR (Electronic Combat / Reconnaissance) Suppression of Enemy Air Defense (SEAD) Aircraft including pictures.
ECR: a technological and operative success in the Italian story of …
2021年2月10日 · Thanks to the Tornado ECR, the Italian Air Force and the German Luftwaffe (which has 20 ECRs) are currently the only NATO air forces, other than the US Air Force, to fly aircraft specialising in suppression of enemy air defences (SEAD) missions.
PA-200 Tornado multipurpose combat aircraft - Bundeswehr
It consists of two versions of the aircraft: the Tornado IDS Interdiction Strike (Interdiction Strike) fighter bomber and the Tornado ECR Electronic Combat Reconnaissance (Electronic Combat and Reconnaissance).
Tornado Electronic Combat Reconnaissance (ECR) - GlobalSecurity.org
The equipment on board the Tornado ECR (Electronic Combat Reconnaissance) aircraft from Piacenza Airbase's 50th Wing is capable of detecting and locating dangerous mobile enemy air defense...
Panavia Tornado ECR (Electronic Combat / Reconnaissance)
The Panavia Tornado ECR is a specialized variant of the Tornado multirole aircraft designed for electronic combat and reconnaissance missions.
Italian Tornados: the Panavia Tornado in Italian Air Force Service
2024年8月14日 · The Italian Air Force converted 15 Tornado IDS aircraft into the ECR (Electronic Combat / Reconnaissance) variant, devoted to SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses) missions and armed with...