equilibrium stability analysis in geotechnical engineering practice. Modern limit equilibrium software is making it possible to handle ever-increasing complexity within an analysis.
This example explores the effect of a flood event on the stability of a levee underlain by a confined aquifer. The analysis is conducted from the perspective of users with different licensing options: 1)
SLOPE/W makes it possible to conduct a sensitivity analysis on material properties, pore-water pressure conditions, external loads, seismic loads, and reinforcement parameters.
SLOPE/W was used to analyze the stability of an MSE wall that was designed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA 2001). The wall configuration is as follows:
simulate the deformations and stability of such embankments using a fully coupled effective stress/pore-water pressure type of analysis. There are many publications describing the tests,
Your Serial Number (also sometimes called a License Number) is a number that uniquely identifies your license. How you find it will depend on what software and version you are using. • GeoStudio 2012 | 2016 | 2018 • GeoStudio 2007 • GeoStudio 2004 • GEO-SLOPE Office 5 • Version 4 software • Seep3D
SLOPE/W can handle the suction strength and air-pressure simultaneously. However, SLOPE/W alone has no mechanism to make sure that there is a correct balance between the pore-air and pore-water pressures. So caution and care is required when …
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