Schizostachyum lima - Wikipedia
Schizostachyum lima is a species of flowering plant in the family Poaceae. [2] . It is a bamboo that in Tagalog is commonly called anos / bokawe / bocaue, and in Cebuano: bagakay. [1][3] It is propagated using seeds or rhizome cuttings. [1][3] In the Philippines, it is often used for making sawali, fishing rods, and musical instruments. [3] .
Bamboo 101-Philippine Bamboo Species | PDF | Bamboo | Soil
It provides details on the common and scientific name, height, diameter, length of internodes, habitat, uses, distribution, and origin for each species. Some of the major species discussed include Kauayan Tinik, Kauayan Kiling, Giant Bamboo, Bayog, Kaychi, Bolo/Botong Patong, Bagacay, Anos/Golden Bagacay, Laak, and Machiku/Botong.
The Story of Bagakay Bamboo | PDF - Scribd
Bagakay bamboo is a native Philippine plant with cultural and historical significance. According to legend, a beautiful woman was cursed and turned into bamboo after rejecting a man's advances. Despite this, the bamboo provided shelter, food, tools and medicine for the people.
Bagakay - Wikipedia
The Bagakay is an ancient Filipino weapon made of bamboo. [1] It is a two pointed wooden dart type of weapon about ten inches in length [2] thrown at an enemy at close quarters and were generally thrown five at a time increasing the possibility of hitting the target. [3]
Origin of Barangay BAGACAY One of the best bamboo
Bagakay (Schizostachyum lumampao) is a bamboo species native to the Philippines. This type belongs to the clumping type so they are well contained and therefore aren't invasive. (Finished products pic CTTO)
List of bamboo species - Wikipedia
Bamboo is a group of woody perennial plants in the true grass family Poaceae. In the tribe Bambuseae, also known as bamboo, there are 91 genera and over 1,000 species. The size of bamboo varies from small annuals to giant timber bamboo. Bamboo evolved 30 to 40 million years ago, after the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event.
Culasi ology - Origin of Barangay BAGACAY One of the...
Culasi ology is feeling great in Bagacay, Antique, Philippines. Origin of Barangay BAGACAY 🌿. One of the best bamboo grasses. Bagakay (Schizostachyum lumampao) is a bamboo species native to the Philippines. This type belongs to the clumping type so they are well contained and therefore aren't invasive.
What is bagacay? - Answers
Bagacay is a type of bamboo that is native to the Philippines. It is known for its strength and versatility, making it a popular choice for construction, furniture-making, and various...
MANING GARDEN BAMBOO (Buho or Bagakay (Schizostachyum …
2012年7月9日 · "bagakay" known for slim and lightweight bamboo pole: The buho or bagakay . Scientific Name: Schizostachyum lumampao, is another bamboo specie. Planting material now available for only . Php 100. A versatile type of bamboo. BACK TO MAIN MENU. Posted 9th July 2012 by Unknown Location: Quezon St, Tagum City, Philippines. 0
History of Barangay Bagacay | PDF - Scribd
To warn of attacks, the settlers built a watchtower called "Moro de Contencion" where they would raise a red flag. Over time, the area became known as Bagacay, named after the small bamboo used by residents to catch fish. The document provides background on the early education system and World War II heroes of Bagacay.