[SOLVED]How to get steel? - Feed the Beast
2014年4月30日 · Alright, thanks all for the help. I went mining for iron and used the blast furnace with charcoal. Now that I got motivated to mine for iron I got about 6 stacks of it (Which I'll be using to set up commercial steam engines to power a quarryplus quarry.) and got all the steel I needed to make my steam boiler and steam oven.
[Guide] Metallurgy Metal Statistics Sheet | Feed the Beast
2014年1月30日 · Damascus Steel is a shortcut to get to Diamond mining level if you can't find any Manganese. Steel is meant to be a Diamond equivalent. Damascus Steel uses two really common early game metals (one an alloy already so it has an increased amount of ingots) to make one really good alloy that's incredibly useful until you need to find actual Steel.
Those ores I just never seem to find... - Feed the Beast
2015年3月14日 · Steel ore is likely a placeholder ore created by AOBD, although you can find Nether Pig Iron Ore in the Nether with Nether Ores, which is pretty much Nether Steel Ore. While on the subject of Nether Ores, they only are set to generate if they find an equivelent ingot (or ore) that it can represent.
Tinker's Steelworks for Newbies (A Reference Guide for the Rest …
2014年5月12日 · You won't really have a driving need for this (unless you really like the efficiency ratings and ore tripling) until you have a very large income of ores to process (for example, a DW20 mining well bore, or multiple MFR Mining Lasers with four prechargers at max capacity each). And, of course, it can process batches of steel like nobody's business.
CoFH Core: Ores and More - Feed the Beast
2015年5月17日 · Before you read this, I'm expecting you to have read the CoFH World Generation Users Manual.This guide isn't meant to be a replacement for it - although I will be going over the basics of Ore Generation here, it won't go nearly as in depth of the mechanics of basic ore generation as @unknown zombie did.
Anyone been able to find Pig Iron/Steel in the Nether? - Feed the …
2015年2月11日 · # If true, will spawn nether ores regardless of if a furnace or macerator recipe was found. If false, at least one of those two must be found to spawn the ore. B:ForceOreSpawn=false I checked NEI for recipes and there weren't any macerator or furnace recipes for pig iron/steel. I'm guessing that's why the ores didn't spawn. Going to test now.
COFH World Generation User's Manual - Feed the Beast
2014年7月31日 · This post contains two resources that I hope will prove useful to anyone wanting to make their own modpack. Here I will maintain a guide that covers how to customize ore generation using COFH features and a cheat-sheet that lists the internal block names used by Minecraft to identify special resource blocks found within mods.-----
A easier way to get steel (Traincraft) - Feed the Beast
2012年12月28日 · It turns out thanks to traincraft it is possible to turn 24 iron, 8 coal and a clay ball into 64 steel with 0 exploit. This is done via its built in steel recipe on its train workbench and the steel can be used in all recipes that use steel thanks to the ore dictionary.
How do YOU make steel in FtB packs? - Feed the Beast
2015年8月2日 · This provided me with a decent sum of steel as well as a boatload of gold. That combined with an EnderQuarry in the Nether provided me with all the steel I needed. If I needed more, I would probably use the TE Induction Smelter as noted above, as it is the easiest method, and I have an abundance of coal powder from SAG Milling my coal ore.
What mods have Ore Processing and how much? - Feed the Beast
2015年9月4日 · Also, another one to add to the list: Ender IO's SAG Mill. Its output depends on the type of ore, but many ores, including most metals, are doubled with a chance of a secondary product. However, if you use dark steel grinding balls, the primary output increases by 50%, while the secondary output increases by 100%.