Turmeric Based Livelihoods Development – Odisha Rural …
Significant increase in turmeric sales prices, from Rs 50-60 per kg to Rs 80-94 kg; Introduction of value-added products like turmeric-based soap, fetching higher profit margins; Women empowerment with active management of turmeric and soap production; Achieved recognition for Laxmipur turmeric’s quality, aided by testing and branding efforts
Traditional storage practices of spices and condiments in Odisha
It is reported that due to the high oil content of turmeric produced in Odisha, storage in ordinary godowns does not pose any problem with pests. Moreover, turmeric is also stored in the raw state. Some amount of the produce is stored in godowns of …
Effect of planting material and pre-planting storage method on …
2003年7月9日 · A two-year study experiment was conducted from January 2021 to December 2022 at the Teppi Agricultural Research Center (TARC) with the aim of identifying suitable planting material and an appropriate pre-planting storage method that can enhance turmeric seed quality and yield under rain-fed conditions.
Traditional storage practices of spices and condiments in Odisha
Spices are stored by the farmers of Odisha mainly for home consumption, seed purpose and for income generation. Storage losses were recorded 10 15% in ginger, 20 30% in turmeric, 10 15% in onion and garlic in traditional method of storage which were less as compared to who has not adopted storage practices.
Traditional Cultivation Practices Of Turmeric In Tribal Belt Of Odisha
2015年3月1日 · Conventional methods of cultivating turmeric are still widely practiced by many tribal farmers. Farmers in Odisha grow turmeric for personal consumption, seed production, and as a source of...
Evaluating of hermetic bags for long-term storage of turmeric (Curcuma ...
2021年5月1日 · Hermetical and traditional storage bags were evaluated for their effect on the postharvest storage of turmeric at laboratory conditions. The traditional Polypropylene (PP) woven bags and the jute bags were compared with Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS), Super Grainpro, Savegrain bags, and Ecotect bags.
Traditional Cultivation Practices Of Turmeric In Tribal Belt Of Odisha
Turmeric (Curcuma longa L) is an important cash crop grown by tribal farmers of Odisha for their livelihood. Despite the good agro-climatic condition, the productivity of turmeric in Odisha is much below (2.4 t/ha) as compared to national average (5.1 t/ha).
KRISHI Publication and Data Inventory Repository: Traditional ...
Turmeric (Curcuma longa L) is an important cash crop grown by tribal farmers of Odisha for their livelihood. Despite the good agro-climatic condition, the productivity of turmeric in Odisha is much below (2.4 t/ha) as compared to national average (5.1 t/ha).
Turmeric Cultivation and Medicinal Benefits: Special Reference to ...
2024年8月2日 · This study delves into the production methods and therapeutic properties of turmeric (Curcuma longa), a perennial herbaceous plant widely known for its culinary and medical uses.
Organic turmeric cultivation in the eastern Ghat high land zone of Odisha
An investigation was carried out for popularization of organic turmeric cultivation through frontline demonstrations in Koraput district of Odisha in India during 2013-14 under National Horticulture Mission.