以色列国防部长以色列伊斯雷尔·卡茨 (Israel Katz)星期二 (12月17日)说,以色列在与哈马斯激进组织的战争后将对加沙地带拥有安全控制。
译者按 :据《每日邮报》 (The Daily Mail)12月18日报道,叙利亚前总统阿萨德在逃离叙利亚之前,向以色列透露了大量军事机密和高价值资产详细信息,以换取以色列确保他安全逃离叙利亚。
然而局势远未平息。就在阿萨德政权倒台几小时后, 以色列国防军派遣士兵和坦克 越过边境进入 戈兰高地和叙利亚之间的非军事化缓冲区 ,要求当地人待在家里,并警告 叙利亚叛军如果开始向该地区进发就会遭到射击 。
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced on Sunday that its troops have entered the buffer zone between Israel and Syria ...
At least 27 Palestinians were killed and dozens of others injured in Israeli attacks at residential houses in the refugee ...
GAZA/JERUSALEM, Dec. 17 (Xinhua) -- Hamas said on Tuesday that reaching an agreement for a ceasefire and prisoner exchanges is possible if Israel stops setting new conditions. In a statement, Hamas ...