28 Years Later, the third instalment in Danny Boyle’s iconic zombie franchise, promises to shake the undead genre to its core while rekindling the fire lit by its predecessors, 28 Days Later and 28 ...
Years Later follows the story of the devastated land from the first two installments in the franchise, where chaos and blood have replaced any trace of society.
Directed by Danny Boyle and written by Alex Garland, the original 28 Days Later creative team is back for the follow-up. With a sequel, 28 Years Later Part II: The Bone Temple already in the works ...
Director Danny Boyle is back with a highly anticipated zombie sequel. A trailer for "28 Years Later" has been released this week as a follow-up to Radcliffe-born's Boyle’s apocalyptic horror 28 Days ...
The Danny Boyle-directed horror 28 Years Later serves as a sequel to 2002's 28 Days Later, which started Cillian Murphy as a bike courier who wakes up from a coma to discover he is living in a terrify ...