Jujutsu Kaisen follows the story of Yuji Itadori, a teenager who becomes a vessel to a powerful sorcerer named Ryomen Sukuna by eating one of the dark sorcerer's fingers. To avoid execution ...
Ryomen Sukuna is the central antagonist of Jujutsu Kaisen, and much like his title in the series, he has done some vile things that some might even consider heartless and disgusting. Before ...
While the final fight against Sukuna was a rather lengthy one spanning across an entire arc of its own, it just had fans feeling like there was still more story to explore before the final came to ...
Sukuna's tattoos differentiate him from Yuji when he takes control. His tattoos reflect the marking of criminals in Japan's ...
Just when Jujutsu Kaisen fans thought Satoru Gojo had finally put an end to Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses pulled off one ...
Jujutsu Kaisen fans often praise Ryomen Sukuna as one of the best recent anime villains, but Kenjaku is often overlooked. Though not as flashy or powerful as the King of Curses, this centuries-old ...
Ryomen Sukuna Is JJK's Strongest Villain Sukuna Put On A Show in JJK's Shinjuku Showdown Sukuna was the greatest power in JJK. Fans knew him to be the King of Curses and the strongest sorcerer in ...