The show ended with 78 episodes, six of which focused on Shadow's storyline. The Shadow Saga in Sonic X begins in Episode 33 "Project Shadow," but Shadow (Jason Griffith in Sonic X) himself doesn ...
If Big makes it into Sonic the Hedgehog 4, then Cream should get in too as a support for Amy. It would make sense to flesh out more of Sonic’s movie world with anthropomorphic animals instead of ...
Amy is another popular character ... circle of anthropomorphic animals that inhabit the Sonic movies. The wide range of Sonic games and comic books out there have many, many plotlines for future ...
So, who is that savior? That would be Sonic’s longtime admirer, Amy Rose. When it comes to Sonic CD, which is where Amy came from, she has a pretty big part in the narrative. As a follower of ...
Just like Tails and Shadow (Keanu Reeves) were teased at the ends of the first two “Sonic” movies, it’s clear that Amy will play a major role in “Sonic 4.” Amy is a pink hedgehog and ...
In IGN's review of Sonic the Hedgehog 3, A.A. Dowd writes, "Better jokes, better imagery, and two (!) inspired comic performances by Jim Carrey give this Sonic sequel an edge on its overly kiddy ...