Discover why the number 13 is so universally feared around the globe, especially when the calendar lands on that rare day of ...
Will begins his journey in the town of Koyasan, regarded as one of the most sacred places in Japan and the heart of Shingon ...
Wakayama and East Nara Nabari In the previous edition of The Japan Agenda: The Premium Travel Blueprint, we explored Fukuoka ...
Koyasan is a beautiful area known for its central place in Shingon Buddhism. The area is full of spiritual sites, nature, and ...
Koyasan (高野山) is one of Japan’s most significant places when it comes to Buddhism, and a beautiful place to visit. From ...
Koyasan is the centre of Shingon Buddhism in Japan and the place where Buddhist monk Kobo Daishi established a monastery deep in the mountains 12 centuries ago. Just metres from where I’ve tried ...