The trailer transported viewers to Ayodhya, the birthplace of Prince Rama; Mithila, where he weds Sita; The forest of Panchavati, where Lord Rama Rama spent his exile with Sita and Lakshman and Lanka, ...
The trailer for the Ramayana anime adaptation has been unveiled, featuring enhanced visuals and a fresh voice cast. The film will release across theatres on January 24.
Entertainment The much-anticipated trailer of Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama was unveiled today, sparking excitement among fans and cinephiles alike.
Created by Yugo Sako and directed by Koichi Sasaki and Ram Mohan, the film represents a unique Indo-Japanese collaboration, featuring over 450 artists and nearly 100,000 hand-drawn frames. It merges ...
Bangladesh’s garment industry, which accounts for 80% of the country’s exports, faced a severe crisis during the political revolution last year. Protests led by garment workers played a pivotal role ...
Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav on Thursday paid a visit to Brahmand Ghar in Mathura's Gokul and offered prayers to Yamuna river. He also visited the adobe (Ashram) of Sant Guru Sharnanand ...