Animation studio Sunrise is behind the anime series, telling the story of 15-year-old Kagome Higurashi and time-traveling exploits to Sengoku-era Japan. She meets the half-dog, half-demon Inuyasha ...
the anime introduces Yuno, a magical user who is attending an academy in a world that seems to have entered a peaceful era due to the death of the Demon King. Unfortunately, that assumption proves ...
What are the best anime games for PC? As varied as the Japanese film, television, and manga that inspired them, anime art styles are everywhere in games. Whether you fancy being trapped in a ...
Whenever adult anime is mentioned, you’re probably thinking of Hentai ... Unfortunately, when he is prophesized to become the next Demon King, everyone starts to doubt his intentions. As if this was ...
The best anime games are full of heart, friendship, and a sense of adventure. With crossovers with the best JRPGs and gripping visual novels, they offer some of the most unique characters and ...
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba is so huge right now that the anime movie that came out in 2020 recently beat the Mortal Kombat reboot and topped the U.S. box office. The anime series of the same ...
The first season of the anime, which aired from April 6, 2019 to September 28 ... Season 2 concluded with Tanjiro and his group, the Sound Hashira Tengen Uzui, and his three wives defeating the Upper ...
As a new exhibition illuminates, van Gogh’s irises were originally purple. Titled “Ultra-Violet: New Light on Van Gogh’s Irises,” the show is the result of “conservators and scientists ...
It’s a list of the most hardcore fan-created levels in all of Geometry Dash. There’s a whole community dedicated to verifying Demon levels, tracking their completion rates, and ranking the best ...
Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun is getting a fourth season, the official X/Twitter accounts of the anime announced. The announcement was made at the fifth anniversary of the anime. You can ...
The new anime not only turned Goku into a kid again, but made it to where he has to spend time getting adjusted to fighting in his smaller body once more. And on top of things, the Demon Realm is ...
Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun season 4 has been officially green-lit for production. The official staff announced this news at the Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun special event DEVIL'S ...