Marlon Mullen’s show at the Museum of Modern Art, the first by a developmentally disabled artist, speaks volumes. By Jonathan Griffin She worked in collage, photography, performance ...
When the Greek Emperor Antiochus IV Epiphanes prohibited reading from the Torah, the Rabbis instituted that sections from the Prophets be read focusing on a theme similar to the Torah portion ...
It is hard to believe that I am writing again, while sitting shiva once again, this time for my older sister (by six years) who died on Shabbat, parshat vayishlach. Despite the geographic distance ...
each of whom acquired proprietary rights to his unique Torah portion. The method of Torah transmission of each era created its unique grandeur. 2. The First Torah Disagreement: The Tosefos ...
Passover Saturday, April 12, 2025 Yud-Daled B’Nissan, Year 5785 Saturday, April 19, 2025 Kaf-Alef B’Nissan, Year 5785 Holocaust Remembrance Day Thursday, April 24, 2025 Kaf-Vav B’Nissan ...