HTML and CSS form the basic coding languages for web design and development. If you need to perform any kind of activity related to web manipulation, a working knowledge of these two is essential.
Stylus offers a number of advantages over writing traditional CSS. In this course, you will learn how to harness the power of Stylus and speed up your workflow. In case you're unaware, CSS by itself ...
Minecraft feature introduced in 1.8 showing text above and below playerlist. It cannot be displayed on 1.7 clients in any way. disable-condition %world%=disabledworld ...
This is a classic mini-game Fifteen Sliding Puzzle. This option works in the browser, in it you need to specify a regular picture, the program itself will cut the picture into squares and mix them.
The HTML parser rightfully would kick the second link out. We need to be cleverer about this. I wanted to work with that and play with some features of the browser developer tools at the same time.