In the world of anime characters, be it heroes or villains, few have achieved the legendary status of Gear 5 Luffy from One Piece. However, even the mightiest can face their match. This article ...
Hence, in the immersive and ever-expanding world of Grand Line, the mangaka has given him a unique set of powers, making him a literal God when he uses his Gear 5. However, a fan theory has been ...
One Piece masterfully blends epicness and humor in every aspect of its addictive story, including the combat scenes, most of which are interwoven with the narrative.
Luffy had to rely on Devil Fruit Awakening, which gave him access to Gear 5. All these powers combined eventually led to Luffy defeating Kaido. These powers, when combined, also made Luffy one of ...
Doflamingo is no ordinary foe though, and his ability to manipulate people with his strings made him especially dangerous, forcing Luffy to unleash his latest ability: Gear 4. Gear 4 would become ...