At the Berlin Zoo, an Asian elephant named Mary astonished researchers by demonstrating an exceptional ability to use a hose to shower herself. Mary, 50 years old and a resident of the zoo since ...
"Don't think of a pink elephant" has become a classic example ... Where aphantasics have no capacity, most people would have an average ability, and a small number of people would have an ...
And the trunk's impressive abilities haven't gone unnoticed. In fact, if you stick a mirror in front of an elephant, one of their favorite activities is to open their mouth and check out their trunks.
Tragically though, for the second time in the last century, elephants in Africa are being slaughtered for their ivory tusks at rates that are causing severe population declines across the continent.
“Don't think of a pink elephant” has become a classic example ... Where aphantasics have no capacity, most people would have an average ability, and a small number of people would have an ...