Die Hard — the ultimate unofficial Christmas movie — is a holiday tradition for many. Bruce Willis stars in this Christmas Eve action thriller as N.Y.C. cop John McClane, who battles terrorists in a ...
We are enjoying “Die Hard” as our Christmas adventure. We are fighting about universal health care, women’s rights, child ...
There are now 17 countries giving new malaria vaccines to young children, the WHO report said. Nigeria began its campaign ...
Movie sequels, once a rare treat, have become an all too common Hollywood trend. Sequels can be tricky, while some offer ...
The comedian talks about her success since 'The Roast of Tom Brady,' specials like 'Someday You'll Die,' hosting the Golden ...
Alcohol is the most common addictive drug in the U.S., serving as both a “gateway” drug and its own one-stop addiction.
I see the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age are researching, writing and promoting a series entitled “ Medical Misogyny ”.
People are sick of this nonsense and, right now, we’re experiencing the tail end of wokeness as this idiocy plays out. We’re ...
And this has broad-sweeping implications for female health and longevity. “We’ve thought of women as baby-making machines and ...
Nov. 3, will always be a very special day for Ken Cash and his family. His daughter Brenda was married, and his life was ...
Cooper to commute the sentences of those on North Carolina’s death row roster. Most were sentenced to death decades ago; ...
The Taylor Swift fandom can make or break relationships, with husbands expressing concerns over their wives' obsessive devotion to Swift.