Currently, the 42km functional portion of the RRTS is entirely located in Uttar Pradesh. Namo Bharat trains are currently undergoing final trial runs on the Sahibabad-to-Delhi segment, which ...
The image shows the series' first female protagonist Lucia standing next to a wall with containers visible in the background. The setting appears industrial, sparking a wave of speculation among fans.
Biraj Man Karmacharya, and Research Director Prof. Dr. Rajeev Shrestha from Dhulikhel Hospital. The dispute between the two institutions began after Dhulikhel Hospital expressed dissatisfaction ...
Here's how property market can shape up Under the loyalty points program, passengers will earn one point for every rupee spent on Namo Bharat train tickets. Each loyalty point is valued at Rs 0.10 (10 ...
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has acknowledged the importance of NAMO Drone Didi scheme and said that this scheme helping women to become integral stakeholders of their local farming supply ...
"We do not want people to forget what a horrific crime was committed here," said Zahra Hussaini, co-organiser of the "A night with Buddha" event. All pictures subject to copyright Parwiz Bakhtari ...