Directed by Ryan Andrej Lough (“Entertainment”), “You Need This” is produced by McKay and Staci Roberts-Steele via Yellow Dot Studios; Isidoor Roebers and Lea Fels at Scenery, a joint ...
Land redistribution – a longstanding demand of many poor farmers who supported Petro's election - has particular urgency amid Colombia's ongoing conflict. Failure to improve victims' lives could ...
When you increase Scenery Rating, Planet Coaster 2 players will notice Guests becoming significantly more impressed with your park, and your Rides will gain Prestige from being decorated well.
The state of North Carolina boasts so many picturesque spots, from its majestic mountains in the west to its pristine beaches in the east. You’ll find beautiful vistas, exquisite sunsets and ...
Miami Heat star forward Jimmy Butler was forced to leave the court after just seven minutes of play in a loss to the Denver Nuggets. This injury adds to a growing list of setbacks that have plagued ...