12月17日,2024年第四季度“老外@Chongqing”活动走进重庆市巴南区丰盛古镇。五名来自重庆理工大学的孟加拉国留学生赴丰盛古镇,参观了丰盛烤酒的制作过程,学习了丰盛莲箫的演奏技巧,还体验了刘家四合胡豆穿糖衣的制作工序,深刻感受了巴南区非物质 ...
12月17日,重庆市第四季度民政政策新闻通气会召开。会上,据市民政局党组成员、副局长、新闻发言人余东海介绍,重庆市民政局聚焦“一老一小、一困一残”等群体现实需求,出台一系列民生政策,加强普惠性、基础性、兜底性民生建设,着力解决人民最关心最直接最现实的 ...
China has tripled the amount of time visitors can spend in the country without a visa in yet another move to entice more ...
El lunes, el Ministerio de Cultura y Turismo de China anunció planes para 12 rutas turísticas de invierno a nivel nacional a fin de activar aún más la economía de hielo y nieve durante la temporada ...
BEIJING, Dec. 14 (Xinhua) -- The Three Gorges project, the world's largest hydropower project, has generated over 1.7 trillion kWh of electricity. It marked the 30th anniversary of its construction on ...
Tourists enjoy tea and snacks at a homestay in Tianfu Town of Beibei District, southwest China's Chongqing Municipality, Dec.
On December 8, a batch of fashionable clothing cargo arrived at Zhengzhou airport from Europe. Taking advantage of Zhengzhou ...
2024年,是中国宏观经济的底部,也是各种变革和转折涌现的支点。随着反全球化浪潮的席卷,脱钩断链导致供应链成本急剧攀升。受全球外需收缩影响,中国成本优势减弱,经济增速下行,95%的产业,都出现了非常恶性的内卷,这种低效、无效竞争的内卷让很多企业退出市 ...
硫酸羟基氯喹(HCQS)行业调研报告聚焦硫酸羟基氯喹(HCQS)市场并重点对该市场的历史与预测期市场规模做出了统计与预测,报告显示,2023年全球硫酸羟基氯喹(HCQS)市场规模为 亿元(人民币),中国市场规模为 ...
O 100.000º trem de carga China-Europa chegou a Duisburg, Alemanha, na terça-feira de manhã, registrando um marco histórico ...
Since its inception 13 years ago, the China-Europe freight trains have transported more than 11 million TEUs (twenty-foot ...