A cross-sectional study used the Predicting Risk of Cardiovascular Disease EVENTs (PREVENT) equations to understand population-wide risk for heart failure (HF) and related variables.
“I think the most important thing was that it was a really broad church as opposed to just people of one ethnicity. “We were able to talk about similarities and things that bring us together as ...
Throughout this period, censuses, isoglosses, and ethnographic maps were used to justify conflicting territorial claims in Southeastern Europe . Consequently, between 1889 and 1905, wildly different ...
Loewenson’s project, “Black Papers: Beyond the Politics of Land, Towards African Policies of Earth & Air,” explores the social and spatial dynamics in modern Africa.
Ya'alon said a majority of Israelis don't want annexation in Gaza but rather separation and blamed the government for dragging the public down a path it doesn't favor. Moshe 'Bogie' Ya'alon seen ...