In 2016, NASA embarked on a new and unique mission: sending the Osiris-REx spacecraft to rendezvous with the asteroid Bennu to study the rocky space object and collect samples to return to ...
Which asteroids pose the greatest threat to Earth? How likely are they to strike, and what level of destruction could they ...
The asteroid sample, coded A0180, was collected by the Japanese Space Agency’s (JAXA) Hayabusa 2 probe in 2018. This mission ...
Reusing the spacecraft from the OSIRIS-REx mission, which previously collected samples from the asteroid Bennu, OSIRIS-APEX will observe Apophis for 18 months after its approach. This mission ...
In 2020, a NASA spacecraft retrieved samples from the asteroid Bennu and dropped them off on Earth in 2023. The space agency followed similar protocols to JAXA to protect the asteroid material ...
NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft — famous for obtaining a sample of asteroid Bennu in 2020 and now renamed OSIRIS-APEX for its new mission — will orbit the giant asteroid. Together with Ramses ...
From an orbit of over 186,000 miles from Earth, to Utah’s Great Salt Lake Desert, to NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, to College Hill: That’s the path that samples from the asteroid Bennu, ...
Radiation is a primary concern for long-duration human spaceflight, such as the planned trips to Mars, which are the stated ...
When NASA's DART spacecraft collided with an asteroid moon, no one could anticipate the profound changes that happened next.