(read more) Browse AC Power Sources Datasheets for Amp-Line Corp ... Preliminary tests indicate that the design of a 200-kW, solid-state rf power system operating at 352- MHz and utilizing ...
Enter an old Radio Shack P-Box stereo amplifier kit. After a few modernizations and tweaks, the result is an 8-transistor stereo amplifier that’s aesthetically pleasing, sounds great ...
In my chart recorders the modulating and demodulating was performed by the 50 Hz reed switch, and the germanium transistor AC amplifier was able to do a good job of working with the resulting 50 ...
The first transistor was about half an inch high ... This contraption was the very first semiconductor amplifier, because when a bit of current came through one of the gold contacts, another ...
In order to develop the necessary technology, the project Magellan—High Efficiency mm-Wave GaN Transistor High Power ...