The Super Mario Bros. Super Show is certainly unique. The animated show, which aired back in 1989, opened with live action segments starring Captain Lou Albano and Danny Wells as Mario and Luigi, ...
The Super Mario Bros. Movie is getting a new 4K Blu-ray release ... Now, the question you need to ask yourself is: Do you love Question Blocks (the new steelbook) or Super Mushrooms (the old ...
For the special features, the film comes with behind-the-scenes featurettes, a field guide to The Super Mario Bros. universe, leadership lessons from Peach's voice actor Anya Taylor-Joy ...
It’s a catchy tune in a level filled with nostalgic touches that those who have enjoyed every Mario game from the beginning, including me, get a kick out of it. For those who love unlockables ...
like Super Mario Odyssey and Super Mario Bros. Wonder. With so many great Mario games available, now is a great time to look at all of the Mario games currently offered on the Nintendo Switch.
Like the first one, Galaxy 2 packed all of the charm and childlike wonder expected from a Mario game into an innovative and fitfully challenging platformer, with novel gravity effects and ...