“The Karate Kid,” both the 1984 original and the 2010 remake, follows main characters Daniel and Dre (Jaden Smith). They are both outcasts who learn martial arts from unlikely mentors to defend ...
On Tuesday, the first trailer for 'Karate Kid: Legends' dropped, creating a mixture of the Karate Kid universe from the 80s and the highly successful spin-off in 2010 featuring Jackie Chan. Check out ...
Legends trailer, two revered karate masters return to teach the next prodigy their craft. Ralph Macchio, who starred in the first three installments of The Karate Kid, and Jackie Chan, who played the ...
Jackie Chan and Ralph Macchio reunite in Karate Kid: Legends, an eagerly-awaited reboot of the cult franchise combining comedy, drama and martial arts. In cinemas May 28, 2025.