Jujutsu Kaisen follows the story of Yuji Itadori, a teenager who becomes a vessel to a powerful sorcerer named Ryomen Sukuna by eating one of the dark sorcerer's fingers. To avoid execution ...
As soon as Sukuna awakened, Mimiko and Nanako asked him to save Geto from Kenjaku's control and they would give him one finger in return. The King of Curses felt disrespected by their order and ...
Although this display was soon followed by him ingesting a Sukuna finger and becoming a host for Sukuna, his main fighting style remained centered around hand-to-hand combat, taking full advantage ...
The best automatic litter boxes are futuristic devices that sense when your cat has finished their business and respond accordingly by raking, sifting and sometimes flushing the waste away so you ...
A smashed finger is a type of finger injury. You may experience severe pain, bruising, stiffness, or loss of sensation. It usually heals on its own with rest, ice, and other pain relief strategies.
Learn more When shopping for one of the best cat litter boxes, there's a lot to consider, including your cat's preferences and your specific household needs. Litter boxes come in a range of ...