The tone and storyline of "Helldivers 2" are heavily inspired by the 1997 Paul Verhoeven movie "Starship Troopers". Humanity now lives under a "managed democracy" aka fascism in disguise, and there is ...
Gartic Phone is a fun party art-sharing game with basic tools for group play. Tee K.O. allows players to design t-shirts and even buy the designs. Art games can be a vessel for creativity or a ...
Knuckles became a huge part of Team Sonic after appearing in 2022’s Sonic the Hedgehog 2. And surely the character has changed a lot through that appearance and his six-episode eponymous series ...
Previously, on Squid Game: It is a dystopian time. The people of South Korea narrowly thwarted a coup by its own president, while the people of the United States rewarded a narrowly thwarted coup ...