From the virtual halls of renowned museums to the frontiers of digital storytelling, these social studies resources both diversify the content we teach and ... Learning activities feature artifacts ...
With a few exceptions, almost every financial guru will tell you to wait as long as you can to start collecting your Social Security payments. If you choose to draw on your Social Security before ...
A social, life drawing event prepares the spirit for a creative week and is a great way to meet new and interesting people. There is no instruction given but through sharing insights and discussion ...
State schools Superintendent Ryan Walters, who promised to overhaul social studies standards for Oklahoma classrooms, released his set of proposed new standards on Thursday morning. In a news release ...
And how does performance help us to ask questions about aesthetics, politics, and the social world? The question “what does performance do ... Material for the course (readings, videos, and other ...
They come instead from leaders, thinkers, and innovators who can draw skills and knowledge from multiple fields of knowledge and work with teams of thinkers from every corner of the campus and the ...
Irish Studies is a broad field of area studies drawing on a range of disciplines to explore holistically the history ... An ability to understand, formulate and address through disciplinary and ...