Whatever your preference in the winter, the one thing you'll definitely want to avoid is frozen pipes. There are plenty of useful tips to help prevent them from freezing, and you can never have too ...
The idea is that you place a small bottle of water (maybe 16 ounces) about 5 to 10 feet from your plumbing pipes, sink, or faucet. If the liquid starts to freeze, you know the nearby pipes are at ...
Pipes, connections and seals of the wastewater drain system in and under the home or building are damaged, defective, have plugs missing or are improperly installed. The county said if the smoke ...
The man who was charged with starting the fire in September that burned the downtown Toucan building pleaded no contest Wednesday. Michael Leon Webber, 48, was charged with one count of causing a fire ...
Current research, treatment, and policy efforts focus on cigarettes, while many people in developing regions (Asia, Indian subcontinent, Eastern Mediterranean) smoke tobacco using waterpipes.