Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz launched the ‘Dhee Rani Program’ on Saturday, commemorating the occasion with a grand mass wedding ceremony for 51 couples, including five Christian pairs.
Shraddha Kapoor attended one of her friend's beach wedding, dressed in a simple white satin saree and embroidered blouse. Find out its cost. As the year comes to an end, Shraddha Kapoor is ...
“They purposely kept the wedding simple,” a source close to the couple told People. “They didn’t want a circus. In the end, they just wanted to have this moment with their loved ones.
Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz introduces the ‘Dhee Rani Program’ on Saturday, celebrating the occasion with a mass wedding ceremony for 51 couples, including five Christian brides and grooms. The ...
However, it's important to note that while it may look easy on the surface, the reality is that it takes much hard work, persistence, trial and error, and consistency to achieve some level of ...
Luckily, you don't have to sacrifice your health goals to enjoy a satisfying meal. We've rounded up 26 easy breakfast ideas to kickstart your day with minimal effort—perfect for any type of morning ...
Instead of traditional ornaments and tinsel, transform your tree with chic DIY bows. This simple and festive idea adds a stylish touch to your holiday décor, inspired by the trending bow look ...