Shiv Sena, a prominent political party in India, primarily based in the state of Maharashtra, has undergone significant transformations and faced internal strife. Founded in 1966 by Bal Thackeray, it ...
After hours: January 7 at 4:00:10 PM EST ...
In a huge setback to the MVA alliance, the Uddhav faction of Shiv Sena has decided to fight solo in the upcoming Mumbai civic body polls. Listen to Story The Uddhav faction of Shiv Sena on Saturday ...
DSLRs might feel old hat now, but we think the best options still have a lot to offer for beginner photographers in particular. Sure, most of the top beginner cameras with swappable lenses are now ...
Definition: The ratio of liquid assets to net demand and time liabilities (NDTL) is called statutory liquidity ratio (SLR). Description: Apart from Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR), banks have to maintain a ...