The original book series was written by Joanna Cole and illustrated by Bruce Degen. The first title in the series, The Magic School Bus at the Waterworks, was published by Scholastic on July 24, 1986.
Actress and comedian Lily Tomlin joins actor Malcolm Jamal Warner as they read through a script for an episode of The Magic School Bus, 1997 Tomlin plays Ms. Frizzle and Warner, The Producer.
Scholastic and its partners, through their joint missions, reached more than 30 million children and 350,000 teachers by distributing books within their nonprofit networks NEW YORK, Dec.
The Scholastic Kids & Family Reading Report™underscores the key role schools play in increasing children's access to books. According to the research, 54% of children get the books they read for fun ...
This restaurant is taking the city for a ride. A Brooklyn pizzeria has been using a school bus parked on the street to get around City Hall restrictions that forced restaurants to tear down ...
When electric school bus manufacturer Lion Electric opened its sprawling 900,000 square-foot factory in Joliet last year, Gov. JB Pritzker and both Illinois senators attended the ceremony.
Drivers must obtain the S endorsement if they will be driving a vehicle that meets the definition of a school bus, unless exempt under the Operator Licensing and Vehicle Control Regulation. You must ...