Based on the popular manga and anime series Demon Slayers, Project Slayers is an RPG and a free-to-play experience on the ...
【Roblox开战“苹果税”:玩家官网充值额外赠送25%平台货币】财联社12月3日电,国外元宇宙平台Roblox宣布从游戏官网或使用礼品卡进行充值的玩家,将被额外赠送最高25%充值额的平台虚拟货币Robux。从效果来看,Roblox此举显然是为了对抗苹果、谷歌两大强势渠道的提成政策——相较于直接被平台抽取30%的渠道税,Roblox新推出 ...
Home to more than 40 million user-generated games, Roblox is an ideal starting point for aspiring video game creators to test their skills and share unique experiences with players around the world.
We all want to play fun Roblox games, but some of the many, many experiences hidden within the gaming portal are more fun than others. We’ve been playing Roblox for years, and we’ve played more games ...
With so many options to choose from, it’s a difficult task to pick out the best Roblox games. Still, for your sake, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to put together a guide to all of our favorite ...
Roblox is one of the most popular gaming platforms for eight to 12 year olds but there have been concerns about children using it safely.
Children's gaming and creation platform Roblox is tightening its parental controls as part of an overhaul of its online safety after being described as an "X-rated paedophile hellscape".
Video game maker Roblox said on Monday that it is implementing new safety measures for users under 13, including permanently removing the ability to message others outside games on its platform.
Video game maker Roblox has announced new parental tools aimed at protecting its young user base, including removing the ability for those under the age of 13 to message others outside games on ...
Parents will be able to monitor kids' activity remotely, on their own device. Roblox on Monday announced new parental controls, including new ways for parents and caregivers to remotely monitor ...
Roblox will not let users under the age of 13 message others outside of games and experiences on the platform, the company said Friday. Roblox also announced a series of other built-in protections ...