Five girls were playing around a bonfire in Gujarat's Surat on Friday evening. Hours later, three were dead leaving two survivors to tell the nightmarish tale that led up to their deaths.
Guitar Hero is a series of music rhythm games where players use replica guitars to input specific inputs in time with the music. While there have been numerous mainline Guitar Hero games, there ...
Even though Heart Like a Wheel feels more like a vehicle for her voice half the time, the reason why every one of the tunes works so well is because of how Ronstadt’s voice blends with the guitar half ...
So, what’s the secret to his truly distinctive tone and melodicism? (Credits: Far Out / YouTube Still) Taking a moment to dig into the technicalities behind his guitar playing, it doesn’t take long to ...
Two years ago, Leanne Loh saw a YouTube video of a girl playing the violin. "That's me!" said the three-year-old and her journey ... Leanne worked her way towards tackling much more complex pieces ...
American singer-songwriter Kristin Hersh says she studied classical guitar for many years as a youngster and her intricate fingerpicking and ability to play striking distorted riffs are all ...
And how many of us still (secretly) do it: playing air guitar when we hear those screaming strings rising above the pounding rhythm section? We have all seen them at live concerts, faced contorted ...
In 2019, the Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation launched the immersive D-backs Girls Play Ball presented by Chase, a free baseball outreach initiative for girls that promotes empowering girls and young ...
If Baldur's Gate 3 has made you hungry for similar material, the first places you should visit are Larian's previous turn-based RPGs, Divinity: Original Sin 1&2. They're rich, malleable ...
Girls’ Frontline 2: Exilium launched on December 3, sending players into a future ... Girls’ Frontline 2: Exilium is free-to-play and available right now on PC and mobile, with cross-platform ...