本条目中的译名遵从此顺序。 拉克斯·彼得(匈牙利語:Lax Péter,1926年5月1日—),全名拉克斯·彼得·达维德(匈牙利語:Lax Péter Dávid,英語:Peter David Lax),匈牙利裔美国数学家,參與了曼哈頓計畫。研究的领域与成就主要有可积分系统(英语:Integrable ...
After selling his first protein bar to Kellogg's for $600 million, Peter Rahal's new David bar aims to be the ultimate health supplement—drawing inspiration from Michelangelo himself.
Named after Michelangelo’s 16th century masterpiece, David claims to be the most protein-dense bar in existence and is backed by high-profile physicians and health podcasters Peter Attia (who is ...