The political drama series “Pamilya Sagrado” wrapped up its second and final season earlier this month, and the show’s “Doc Harvey Hermoso,” actor Floyd Tena, hopes those who followed it ...
Christina Mondragon is your neighborhood reporter for Central/South Lafayette Parish. Christina is a multimedia journalist who joined KATCTV3 in January 2023. She graduated from the University of ...
On July 17, 2024, the annual Congress of the Mondragón Corporation was held at the Euskalduna Conference Center in Bilbao. In attendance were 650 delegates representing the 92 autonomous cooperatives ...
Yan ay aking papalagan,'' Marcos said. (These criminal attempts must not be overlooked. I will fight back.) To this, a visibly irate Vice President said: "Di ba pumalag nga yung buong bayan nung ...