Please verify your email address. Optimus Prime, the gentle leader of the Autobots, has had quite the design changes and alterations throughout the years. While Transformers remains consistent ...
【马斯克称特斯拉正改进Optimus机器人的设计 以便大规模生产】《科创板日报》11日讯,特斯拉CEO埃隆・马斯克周四发帖透露,特斯拉正在改进Optimus ...
快科技11月10日消息,据报道,马斯克透露,特斯拉正在改进Optimus机器人的设计,以解决生产过程中的关键瓶颈问题。 马斯克此前已多次表达了对 ...
IT之家 11 月 10 日消息,特斯拉 CEO 埃隆・马斯克周四在 X 平台上透露,特斯拉正在改进 Optimus 机器人的设计,以解决生产过程中的关键瓶颈问题。
IT之家11 月 10 日消息,特斯拉 CEO 埃隆・马斯克周四在 X 平台上透露,特斯拉正在改进 Optimus 机器人的设计,以解决生产过程中的关键瓶颈问题。 特斯拉的 Optimus 机器人可能是该公司未来最令人兴奋的产品之一。马斯克此前曾表示,他相信这款机器人将是有史 ...
Gen 1 Optimus Prime showed impressive strength by outmatching Megatron after a planet-destroying explosion. Michael Bay Optimus Prime is a skilled fighter, surviving multiple attacks and tearing ...
At Tesla's We, Robot event, CEO Elon Musk showcased the future of autonomy, featuring the Optimus humanoid robot and new driverless vehicles, Robotaxi and Robovan. With promises of safety and ...
Fans of Tesla and Elon Musk were enthralled by the unveiling of Optimus, a prototype humanoid robot, in California last week. I also enjoyed the theatrics - but I'm not alone in wondering why ...