Issues that put you at risk for metatarsalgia include: Deformities of the foot Overuse Wearing shoes that don't have proper support or cushioning Increased intensity in physical activity Wearing ...
You might feel a burning pain in your foot, ankle, or up into your calf. With Morton's neuroma, the tissue around one of the nerves to your toe can begin to thicken due to underlying stress or injury.
Morton’s neuroma is a common foot problem where compression on a nerve in the ball of the foot causes burning, tingling, and pain near the third and fourth toes. It can make you feel like you have a ...
A neuroma is the inflammation of the nerves between a person’s toes caused by thickened tissues surrounding the nerve. It is due to the collapse of surrounding structures in the foot.
Pain in the arch of the foot is a common problem, especially among athletes. Possible causes include plantar fasciitis, direct injury and structural issues. Treatments can include resting ...