Also, unless this particular MaxSun B580 card comes in at a substantially higher price than other B580 cards—by which we mean ...
Using its noggin, MaxSun endows its Intel Arc B580 graphics card with two M.2 SSDs so as to not waste any PCIe bandwidth.
不久前,铭瑄宣布,带来与英特尔深度合作的最新产品MAXSUN Intel Arc B580系列显卡,首批的产品包括MAXSUN Intel Arc B580 iCraft 12G和MAXSUN Intel Arc B580 Milestone 12G ...
The idea that MAXSUN could be prepping a graphics card with not one but two M.2 NVMe drive slots is both plausible and makes ...
Maxsun has recently launched two Intel Arc B580 graphics cards. Interestingly, another report via VideoCardz, indicates that ...
近日,MAXSUN铭瑄在其B站官方账号上发布了一则动态,引起了显卡爱好者的广泛关注。该动态的核心内容,是向公众征求对一款新型显卡设计的意见。 从公布的显卡设计大图中,细心观察可以发现,该显卡的PCB尾部设计有两个醒目的接口,这些接口的外形与M.2 ...
IT之家 12 月 5 日消息,MAXSUN 铭瑄B站官方账户昨日发布动态,就一款显卡设计征求意见:IT之家仔细观察该显卡设计大图,发现 PCB 尾部有两处高亮接口,疑似为 M.2 SSD 插槽。英伟达、AMD、英特尔近年来的中低端独立显卡 GPU ...
2024年12月03日 11:19中关村在线 ...
Get the WD Black SN850X 2TB Heatsink PCIe 4.0 NVMe SSD for £129 from Amazon (was £402) The SN850X makes for one of the fastest gaming SSDs out there, with maximum sequential read and write ...
MAXSUN铭瑄的MS-终结者Z790M D5 ICE主板是一款专为高性能玩家设计的主板。这款主板支持最新的第13代酷睿Intel处理器,支持DDR5内存模块,对于高性能游戏和超频玩家来说是不可多得的好物。 这款主板还拥有出色的散热系统,可以保证CPU在高负载下的良好性能表现 ...
MAXSUN铭瑄 终结者水冷电竞游戏设计师台式电脑主机全套整机DIY组装机,现在京东有优惠活动。原价3699元,但现在plus会员专享立减活动,只需3580.51元即可入手。购买后晒单还可返现100元。 此款电脑主机采用第四代英特尔酷睿i7处理器,性能强劲。搭载NVIDIA GeForce ...
Join Generation Flash: Here's everything you need to know to buy the right internal SSD, plus our top picks across all the M.2 and 2.5-inch drives PC Labs has tested. Since 2004, I have worked on ...