Not bathing in winter is unlikely to directly increase lifespan. While cold exposure has scientific backing for its potential longevity benefits, the importance of maintaining hygiene cannot be ...
Rogers said he is glad it finally got to President Joe Biden’s desk, and he has message for the first family. “Joe Biden — sign it,” Rogers said. “Jill, you were a teacher, I hope you'll ...
That's why we've put together some common exercise mistakes that can shorten your lifespan. At the core of any effective longevity strategy is exercise. Piles of scientific and medical research tell ...
Most people know that it isn’t exactly great to live a sedentary lifestyle and spend the majority of your life sitting around. If you have a desk job, that means you have to get creative with how to ...
If you’re desk-bound, you’re probably used to everything that comes with it — reduced blood circulation, leg cramps and tight hamstrings included. Getting up and moving around is essential to keeping ...
A new study gives all of us some extra motivation when it comes to getting outside and exercising: every day you manage to fit in an additional one-hour walk, you could be boosting your lifespan by an ...
Researchers have conducted a comprehensive study to evaluate artificial intelligence based aging clocks, which predict health and lifespan using data from blood. Researchers at the Institute of ...