A PIG farmer who always carried a firearm while attending cockfighting events was arrested by the Criminal Investigation and ...
This is a prime time to gather your friends around a campfire and debate different topics. Not only do discussions bring a closer sense of intimacy to your friendships, but they can also help you ...
Thousands of Syrians celebrated in Umayyad Square, the largest in Damascus, after the first Muslim Friday prayers following ...
Feeling dysregulated, Leo? Stop, identify the feeling (“I’m angry” or “I’m really sad”) then take a few deep breaths to center your nervous system and move your body to release the ...
“Leo thinks we are all on the top deck of the bus,” said one of his colleagues ... with only €900 million of spending ...
Attention seeking? If a loved one isn’t showering you with affection, you’ll search it out elsewhere today! Don’t do something you might regret! As the moon and Venus clash, your moves are ...
The Moon in Aries making a trine to your sign early in the week can feel like a confidence-boosting transit. Taking center stage comes easily with the Venus-ruled Taurus Moon at the helm of your ...
Growing up in Northern Ireland — and then England — before eventually landing in the United States, Adrian Mulligan has ...
Today, you and your partner will experience an intellectually stimulating day, with engaging conversations bringing you closer. Shared interests will spark personal growth, strengthening your bond.