Famous singer Neha Kakkar recently made headlines after photos of her alleged arrest went viral on the internet. The singing sensation has earned her name for herself in the industry with her ...
A couple of face-swapped images of singer Neha Kakkar getting arrested by the police is going viral on social media with a fraudulent link. The claim also states that this an "end of Kakkar's career".
Dr Dharma Kanta Baskota has been appointed vice-chancellor of the Tribhuvan University (TU). Prime Minister (PM) and Chancellor of TU KP Sharma Oli has appointed Baskota as vice-chancellor. Baskota ...
Class Act: Neha Dhupia shares the secret of juggling motherhood and career while staying relevant with Farhana Farook. Her ability to reinvent herself has allowed Neha Dhupia to remain relevant.
India's finished steel imports hit at least a six-year high in the first nine months of the financial year that started in April 2024, according to provisional government data reviewed by Reuters ...